Monday, February 22, 2021

 English 11 Composition

  • If not done, finish the questions to "Gentlemen, Your Verdict". Write in full sentences only!
    • 1. Allusion is a reference to the Bible, mythology, history or even pop culture. Explain the allusion on the bottom of the first page, and how it’s used to make a comparison. (2)
    • 2. How is flashback used in this story? (2)
    • 3. Which event is the climax (or turning point) of this story? Explain. (2)
    • 4. What is the precise point of view in this story? Give at least one specific example. [Look closely!] (2)
    • 5. A dilemma is a choice between two (or more) difficult options. What was Oram’s dilemma? Do you think Oram’s choice was the correct one? Explain. (2)
  • Read Chp. 25 and the Epilogue of October Sky for Tuesday, Feb. 23).
    • On Tuesday, Feb. 23, we will write our final October Sky test. It will examine the main characters and events from Part 4 (Chapters 21 to the Epilogue), test your understanding of the Part 4 vocabulary words, and assess your understanding of the key themes in the last half of the novel.
    • Work on the point form notes for Part 4 in the study guide.
  • Did you miss the sentence exam or 2nd spelling quiz? If so, see me ASAP!