Thursday, April 19, 2018

English 12 (S2) Blocks 2/4Homework for Friday
  • If not done, complete all of the odd entries on the "gender biased language" handout: 1,3,5... 23.
  • If not done, read Edward Koch's "Death and Justice" and answer the following questions:
    • 1. What is Koch’s central thesis? (1)
    • 2. How does Koch organize the body of his essay? Why is this an effective way to support his thesis? (2)
    • 3. Which point is his best argument? Why? (2)
    • 4. Which point is his least effective argument? Why? (2)
    • 5. Is “Death and Justice” more argumentative or persuasive? Explain. (2)
    • Answer in full sentences. Ensure your answers are full and thorough. Don’t start with “Because”, “So”, “That” or “Which”. Hand in your answers on a separate piece of paper. 

English 10 Block 3Homework for Friday
  • Re-read Act 2 of Romeo and Juliet
  • Miss the Act 1 test? Finish the Act 1 Study Guide and come see me at lunch or after school:
    • The test will be a mixture of fill-in the blank, multiple choice and short answer responses.

      English 12 Linear Block 1: Homework for Monday
      • Read Alice Munro's "Boys and Girls". Get yourself ready for a 10 mark multiple choice quiz by creating a study guide with the following ideas:
        • Setting
        • Characters
        • Main Events
        • Themes and Symbols