Friday, January 11, 2019

English 11 Blocks 1/2: Homework for Monday
  • Finish reading all of October Sky for Monday and be ready for Monday's final novel exam
    • Finish your 4th study guide!
    • Be ready for multiple choice and an essay.

English 12 Block 3: Homework for Monday
  • Complete your paragraph on "Beyond the Snowbelt".
    • In paragraph form and with reference to the poem, discuss a major theme presented by the poet.
  • If not finished, complete your paragraph on "The Pigeon, Icarus".
    • In paragraph form and with reference to the poem, discuss the speaker’s conflicting attitudes toward the pigeons.

    English 9 Linear: 
    Homework for Monday
    • Due Monday: Choose one of the four "Inspiration" poems and describe in a short (3-4 sentence) paragraph 1) the theme of the poem and 2) one example of imagery from the poem.
    • Due today: Define 4 words and/or phrases for each of the four poems handed out today.
    • Ready for the binder check?