Friday, January 12, 2024

English 12 Blocks 1/2: Homework for Monday

  • Test alert: On Monday we'll write the Chps. 7-9 test. It will include an in-class essay.
    • Read Chp. 9 of The Great Gatsby and finish your notes for Chp. 9. The notes will be due on Monday.
      • For the final three chapters, you may use any combination of Cornell, question, and mindmap notes
      • As always, detailed answers with quotations and analysis earn points! 
    • Complete the Part 3 crossword.
    • Consider the following questions:
      • Is Gatsby a noble character?
      • Are the movie and novel versions similar or different?
      • In a very broad sense, who killed Gatsby?
      • Consider the main symbols of the The Great Gatsby.
      • Consider the three main female characters of the novel.
      • Why do so many characters not deserve their fate?
  • Did you miss Friday's dangerous language quiz? If so, see me ASAP!
    • Literacy 12 exam results: Please click here and then on Current Student. You may need to set up an account. You'll also need your PEN number, which I don't have. (Please see the office or your counselor.)

    Philosophy 12 Block 3: 
    Homework for Monday
    • Test alert! Be ready for next Wednesday's political philosophy exam!
    • Notes: Make sure you have read the following notes:
      • Complete the following journal entries if not finished:
          • 19. As a soldier, would you willingly die for your country? Would it matter if you volunteered or were drafted? Remember Socrates’s final choice. What would he say?
          • 18. Would you be willing to commit perjury for your best friend? For example, might you testify that he was driving carefully when he hit a pedestrian, even though he had been joking around and not paying attention? 
          • 17. When you do something embarrassing*, how much does it bother you to have other people notice it and laugh at you? Why? Be honest!

      English 11 Block 4 Linear: Homework for Tuesday
      • For Tuesday, complete the concluding paragraph for the upcoming essay. Use the template below if you want:

        • Here is a possible template for the introductory paragraph:

        • Here is a general overview of the essay: 

      • Missing anything? See me ASAP!