English 11 Block 1: Homework for Monday
- Finish up to ~ #15 on the second study guide and read Chp. 5 of Maus II.
- Test alert! We'll be writing the Maus II test on Wednesday! It will include a paragraph.
- Start reviewing for our upcoming "Parts of the Sentence" test:
Philosophy 12 Block 2: Homework for Monday
- Next week, we'll start our "Classical Ethics" project!
- Complete the summary sheet for the racism discussion.
- If not finished, finish ALL of the questions in the Introduction to Ethics handout. Use FULL sentences and aim for 2-3 sentences per question.
- Get today's notes on the philosophy of racism, if you were away.
- Here are the most recent journal entries:
- Would you accept $2,000,000 on the condition that you can never again own a smartphone? Would you do it if you could never again use the Internet?
- Whom do you admire most? In what way does that person inspire you? How does that person live a “good life”?
- Would you be willing to murder an innocent person, and go to jail for life, if it would end hunger in the world? Explain!
- Do you feel that advice from older people carries a special weight because of their greater experience?
- Would it disturb you much if you knew that, upon your death, your body would be simply thrown into the woods and left to rot? Why?
English 12 Block 3: Homework for Monday