Thursday, February 15, 2024

 English 11 Block 1: Homework for Tuesday

Philosophy 12 Block 2: 
Homework for Tuesday

English 12 Block 3: 
Homework for Tuesday
  • If you haven't done so already, read "The Lottery" from the booklet (#8) or listen to the story via the link provided.
  • Get all the irony and POV notes from another student if you missed the last two classes.
  • Quiz alert! Did you miss Friday's quiz? Read Alice Munro's "Girls and Boys" from the short story booklet.
    • Take notes on the main plot events, the characters, and the symbols (including the horse and the curtains).
    • Consider how the socialization process changes the self-image of the main character.

English 11 Block 4 Linear: Homework for Tuesday
  • Go to the assignment on the final page of the "Break the Fake" package. There are three topics (flu prevention, consumer advocacy, and the solar minimum).
    • Choose one topic. 
    • Next, create a "quad" chart like we did for the two medical sites.
    • Examine both sites within your topic.
    • Write down in point form at least 20 points overall: What are the positives and negatives of each site? Probably two of the four quadrants will be fuller than the other two. I'll give you 10 marks on Tuesday. 
      • Overall, which site is more credible and trustworthy?
  • Complete the final pages of the SVA package. We'll write the SVA test in two classes (Thursday, Feb. 22).